Welcome School Partners to the 2024-2025 school year! School Dismissal Manager is ready to go and the Back-to-School Newsletter has been posted in the Message area at the top of your Dashboard screen. Please be sure to use the checklist option A or B to guide you through setting up for the new school year.
If you need assistance please contact support@schooldismissalmanager.com. Thank you!
School Dismissal Manager is a web-based tool designed to help schools and parents work together to make the afterschool pickup process safe and better organized. The program is easy for both parents and schools.
Most importantly, School Dismissal Manager works to improve child safety during afternoon dismissal by putting car assignment responsibility back on the parents where it belongs — no more lost notes, forgotten phone calls or unexpected drivers.
©2025 School Dismissal Manager, A product of Horizon Marketing Group, Inc.
Terms of Use